FLEX-FEB has contracted the consulting company Aerotak to perform a number of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis to demonstrate the FEB-I's stability and movements at sea. The result of the analysis is now available, and the conclusion is that FEB-I is doing well at moderate sea state.
FEB-I is a relatively small barge measuring approx. 6.0 x 2.4 m, with a draft of 0.6 m, and the barge is specially designed to operate in shallow waters, where the sea state typically will be moderate.
The below video clip shows how FEB-I and waves affect each other when FEB-I moves by 1 knot directly against waves with a height of 0.5 m. FEB-I is stable in the sea, and the result of the computer simulation does not call for changes in the design of the FEB-I.